Transnational Project Meeting - London (United Kingdom)
The Transnational Project Meeting in London (UK) took place on the 15-16 September 2022. All parter countries sent to London staff active in the implementation of the project to discuss the results of the projects and plan the steps ahead to ensure a successful project conclusion.
The parters reviewed together what was implemented during the project's lifecycle through creative presentations "We Said, We Did" and presented to the partners the impact the project had on their organisation, the staff, the participants to the LTTAs and the local and national communities. The agreed on the final details to conclude the project successfully and reviewed important documentation on the project.
The parters planned the steps ahead to ensure a fruitful conclusion and to make sure that all the lessons learnt, experiences, good practices and methodologies exhanged are shared with the local, national and EU audience to ensure a the use of creativity for inclusion through art forms is known.